Chapter 12 Floor Plan Technical Drawing 101 With Autocad 2017

Course Rationale:

Introduce students to the principals of technical drawing employing both traditional drafting and Computer-Aided-Drafting techniques.  Describe and demonstrate the process of visualization and constructing multiview, isometric, and section drawings. Demonstrate and explain the theory and practice of dimensioning. Explain the importance of standards in the modern technical drawing environment.

Course Description:

Introduction to the principles of drafting to include traditional and CAD techniques, drafting standards, multiview drawing, dimensioning, isometric drawing, sections, auxiliary views, mechanical working drawings, architectural working drawings, and 3D modeling basics. This class serves as the A&E CAD department's introductory CAD class.


Technical Drawing 101 with AutoCAD 2018, by Smith, Ramirez, and Fuller, SDC Publications,

ISBN: 978-1-63057-098-9


.7mm Technical Pencil (Pentel P207 or equivalent), 45 degree triangle, 30-60 degree triangle, a combination scale (Alvin 119 PC or equivalent), eraser, protractor, highlighter, USB drive, and headphones or ear buds (for listening to instructional videos).

Prerequisites:  None

ACC Email

All communication to students will be sent solely to the student's ACCmail account, with the expectation that such communications will be read in a timely fashion. ACC will send important information and will notify you of any college related emergencies using this account.  Students should expect to receive email communication from their instructor using this account unless other arrangements have been made.  Likewise, students should use their ACCmail account when communicating with instructors and staff.  Instructions for activating an ACCmail account can be found at

Blackboard (Bb)
Blackboard will be used for major portions of this course to include but not limited to:

  • Distribution of handouts and readings
  • Submissions of assignments and activities
  • Grading

As instructed by your professor, students will be required to access instructional materials via Blackboard.

Course Assignments (times are approximate):
Chapter 1.   Technical Drawing (2.5 Hours)

Chapter 2.   Multiview Drawing (5.0-7.5 Hours)

Chapter 3.   Traditional Drafting (5.0 Hours)

Chapter 4.    Computer Aided Design Basics (10 Hours)

Chapter 5.    Dimensioning Fundamentals (3.5 Hours)

Chapter 6.    Dimensioning Architectural Drawings (2 Hours)

Chapter 7.    Isometric Drawings (5 Hours)

Chapter 8.    Sections (5 Hours)

Chapter 9.    Auxiliary Views (Skip Chapter)

Chapter 10.  Blocks (5 Hours)

Chapter 11.  Mechanical Working Drawings(10-12.5 Hours)

Chapter 12.  Architectural Working Drawings (15 Hours)

Chapter 13.  3D Modeling Basics (2.5 Hours)

Upon successful completion of the course, students will be able to:

  • Prepare free-hand multiview sketches of objects assigned by the instructor.
  • Prepare technical drawings utilizing traditional drafting tools and techniques.
  • Prepare orthographic/multiview drawings using miter line construction techniques employing line conventions and line weights that comply with the ASME Y14.3-2003 standard.
  • Set-up, create, and print multiview CAD drawings.
  • Add dimensions that comply with the ASME Y14.5-2009 standard to multiview drawings.
  • Add dimensions that comply with accepted industry standards to architectural drawings.
  • Draw section views of  machine parts using AutoCAD techniques complying with the ASME Y14.3-2003 standard.
  • Prepare isometric, pictorial drawings of machine parts utilizing AutoCAD.
  • Prepare auxiliary views of machine parts with AutoCAD that comply with the ASME Y14.3-2003 standard.
  • Create, insert and edit blocks with AutoCAD.
  • Utilize AutoCAD to prepare multi-sheet working drawings for a mechanical assembly that comply with the ASME Y14.34-2008 standard.
  • Utilize AutoCAD to prepare multi-sheet working drawings (floor plan and elevations) for a small residential project.
  • Create a block library of architectural symbols in one drawing and insert the blocks into a different drawing using AutoCAD's Design Center.
  • Create 3D models of machine parts utilizing AutoCAD software


Grades will be determined as follows:

  • 50% Daily Work-Drawing assignments, quizzes, class participation, etc.
  • 25% Capstone Mechanical Working Drawing-Toe Stop Assembly Drawing
  • 25% Capstone Architectural Working Drawings-Cabin Project

*The final course average will be reduced by 1 point for each unexcused absence.


Students accruing more than two (2) UNEXCUSED absences may be withdrawn from the course at the instructor's discretion.  Students may make-up absences by attending other classes.  It is the student's responsibility to inform instructor when circumstances prevent him/her from attending class.   An instructor may lower a student's final grade for a course due to excessive absences.


This course is taught in the classroom in a lecture/laboratory format. The lecture will generally introduce concepts and skills, which will then be developed and applied in the laboratory.


Hours for the open lab will coincide with the tutoring schedule which will be posted during the first week or two of the semester. You may not be able to complete all the assignments in class, so the open lab is one of your best opportunities to get help in finishing the lab exercises.

Note: Schedule below may change as necessary depending on pace of class.

Class 1 – Class 19

Daily Work Activities as assigned by instructor.

Class 20.

ASSIGN: Capstone Mechanical Project - Toe Stop Project

Class 24.

ASSIGNMENT:  3D Modeling exercises in Chapter 13

Class 25.

ASSIGN: Capstone Architectural Project - Cabin Project

Note: Reading schedule below may vary depending on pace of class.


A&E CAD Departmental Policies and Procedures for Students


Attendance/Class Participation

Students accruing more than two (2) UNEXCUSED absences may be withdrawn from the course at the instructor's discretion.  Students may make-up absences by attending other classes.  It is the student's responsibility to inform instructor when circumstances prevent him/her from attending class.   An instructor may lower a student's final grade for a course due to excessive absences.

Cell Phones and Electronic Devices

To avoid disturbing or distracting others during class or open lab times, students are requested to conduct personal communications of any sort outside of the classrooms. For this reason, the use of cell phones and other PDA's by students is prohibited inside A&E CAD classrooms (this includes placing or receiving phone calls, text messages and emails). When conducting personal communication in the hallways, please control the volume of your voice so as not to disturb students in nearby classrooms.

Use of Recording Devices in Class

Students must receive explicit permission from the instructor prior to recording class activities including lectures and demonstrations using any type of recording medium including cell phones, Google Glass, or other devices.

Use of Vaporized Nicotine Products

Use of vaporized nicotine products is prohibited on all ACC campuses.

Withdrawal Policy

It is the responsibility of each student to ensure that his or her name is removed from the roll should he or she decide to withdraw from the class.  The instructor does, however, reserve the right to drop a student should he or she feel it is necessary.  If a student decides to withdraw, he or she should also verify that the withdrawal is submitted before the Final Withdrawal Date.  The student is also strongly encouraged to retain their copy of the withdrawal form for their records.

Students who enroll for the third or subsequent time in a course taken since Fall, 2002, may be charged a higher tuition rate, for that course.

State law permits students to withdraw from no more than six courses during their entire undergraduate career at Texas public colleges or universities.  With certain exceptions, all course withdrawals automatically count towards this limit.  Details regarding this policy can be found in the ACC college catalog.


An instructor may award a grade of "I" (Incomplete) if a student was unable to complete all of the objectives for the passing grade in a course.  An incomplete grade cannot be carried beyond the established date in the following semester.  The completion date is determined by the instructor but may not be later than the final deadline for withdrawal in the subsequent semester.


Policy on Late or Missing Work

Instructors may impose a late penalty on work that is submitted after the assigned due date.

                      Statement on Scholastic Dishonesty                  

Representing the work of another person as your own work is considered scholastic dishonesty by the A&E CAD department.  Academic work submitted by students shall be the result of their own thought, research or self-expression. Actions constituting scholastic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, collusion, and falsifying documents.    Penalties for scholastic dishonesty will depend upon the nature of the violation and may range from lowering a grade on one assignment to an "F" in the course, the assignment being replaced with a different project with a reduced maximum grade, and/or expulsion from the college.  See the Student Standards of Conduct and Disciplinary Process and other policies at

Reproduction or transmission of A&E CAD Departmental Check Prints in any manner (including photography and scanning) is a violation of the A&E CAD department's Scholastic Dishonesty policy.

Sharing a drawing file of a class project with another student, or representing another's file as your own work, is a violation of the department's Scholastic Dishonesty policy.

                                    Student Rights and Responsibilities                              
                      Students at the college have the rights accorded by the U.S. Constitution to freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, petition, and association. These rights carry with them the responsibility to accord the same rights to others in the college community and not to interfere with or disrupt the educational process. Opportunity for students to examine and question pertinent data and assumptions of a given discipline, guided by the evidence of scholarly research, is appropriate in a learning environment. This concept is accompanied by an equally demanding concept of responsibility on the part of the student. As willing partners in learning, students must comply with college rules and procedures.                  
                                    Statement on Students with Disabilities                              

Each ACC campus offers support services for students with documented disabilities.  Students with disabilities who need classroom, academic or other accommodations must request them through the office Student Accessibility Services (SAS).   Students are encouraged to request accommodations when they register for courses or at least three weeks before the start of the semester, otherwise the provision of accommodations may be delayed.

Students who have received approval for accommodations from SAS for this course must provide the instructor with the 'Notice of Approved Accommodations' from SAS before accommodations will be provided.   Arrangements for academic accommodations can only be made after the instructor receives the 'Notice of Approved Accommodations' from the student.

Students with approved accommodations are encouraged to submit the 'Notice of Approved Accommodations' to the instructor at the beginning of the semester because a reasonable amount of time may be needed to prepare and arrange for the accommodations.

Additional information about Student Accessibility Services is available at

Safety Statement

Austin Community College is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for study and work. You are expected to learn and comply with ACC environmental, health and safety procedures and agree to follow ACC safety policies. Additional information on these can be found at Because some health and safety circumstances are beyond our control, we ask that you become familiar with the Emergency Procedures poster and Campus Safety Plan map in each classroom. Additional information about emergency procedures and how to sign up for ACC Emergency Alerts to be notified in the event of a serious emergency can be found at

Please note, you are expected to conduct yourself professionally with respect and courtesy to all. Anyone who thoughtlessly or intentionally jeopardizes the health or safety of another individual will be dismissed from the day's activity, may be withdrawn from the class, and/or barred from attending future activities.

You are expected to conduct yourself professionally with respect and courtesy to all. Anyone who thoughtlessly or intentionally jeopardizes the health or safety of another individual will be immediately dismissed from the day's activity, may be withdrawn from the class, and/or barred from attending future activities.

                                    Use of ACC email                              

All College e-mail communication to students will be sent solely to the student's ACCmail account, with the expectation that such communications will be read in a timely fashion. ACC will send important information and will notify you of any college related emergencies using this account.  Students should only expect to receive email communication from their instructor using this account.  Likewise, students should use their ACCmail account when communicating with instructors and staff.  Information about ACCmail, including instructions on setting up an account, can be found at

Blackboard (Bb)
Blackboard will be used for some portion of this course to include but not limited to:

  • Distribution of handouts and readings
  • Submissions of assignments and activities
  • Grading

As instructed by your professor, students may be required to access instructional materials via Blackboard.

Student and Instructional Services

ACC strives to provide exemplary support to its students and offers a broad variety of opportunities and services.  Information on these services and support systems is available at:

Links to many student services and other information can be found at:

ACC Learning Labs provide free tutoring services to all ACC students currently enrolled in the course to be tutored.  The tutor schedule for each Learning Lab may be found at:

For help setting up your ACCeID, ACC Gmail, or ACC Blackboard, see a Learning Lab Technician at any ACC Learning Lab.

Freedom of Expression:

Each student is strongly encouraged to participate in class. In any classroom situation that includes discussion and critical thinking, there are bound to be many differing viewpoints. These differences enhance the learning experience and create an atmosphere where students and instructors alike will be encouraged to think and learn. On sensitive and volatile topics, students may sometimes disagree not only with each other but also with the instructor. It is expected that faculty and students will respect the views of others when expressed in classroom discussions.

All discussion or conversation in the classroom should be appropriate and respectful of others.

Ownership of Student Work:

The Architectural & Engineering Computer Aided Design (A&E CAD) Department reserves the right to retain any and all student work (including but not limited to: original work, scans, photographs, and copies of student work) completed as A&E CAD course work for the purposes of documentation, accreditation, evidence of student performance, university transfer, marketing or any other purpose supporting the mission of the Department and Austin Community College.

Concealed Handgun Policy:

The Austin Community College District concealed handgun policy ensures compliance with Section 411.2031 of the Texas Government Code (also known as the Campus Carry Law), while maintaining ACC's commitment to provide a safe environment for its students, faculty, staff, and visitors.

Beginning August 1, 2017, individuals who are licensed to carry (LTC) may do so on campus premises except in locations and at activities prohibited by state or federal law, or the college's concealed handgun policy.

It is the responsibility of license holders to conceal their handguns at all times. Persons who see a handgun on campus are asked to contact the ACC Police Department by dialing 222 from a campus phone or 512-223-7999.


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